Parkside Afterschool’s Club visit Arlington Nursing Home for Carol Service

18th December 2017

Parkside Afterschool’s Club visit Arlington Nursing Home to sing Carols for the Residents.

On a wintery afternoon in December, the residents were filled with excitement waiting on the Parkside Afterschools Club to come and sing Christmas carols. As soon as the children ran through the doors the resident’s faces lit up and the singing began. Beautiful renditions of ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘Frosty the Snowman’ from the school children filled the hearts of our residents with the Christmas spirit. They even joined in and sang to their hearts content, it was great to see the different generations mixing together and having a great time doing so!

Once the carol service was over, Chef Graham put on an impressive spread for the school children. Party food, ice cream and jelly, home baked treats and lots and lots of chocolate, which the children were delighted to see. One little girl even said if Chef Graham was on Masterchef he would win it! A great testimony to the fabulous food, and safe to say Chef Graham was over the moon.

Mina McCurry, Arlington Resident said “The children were so excited.  I really enjoyed the singing and the little boy with the guitar was lovely!”

It’s extremely important to us that we have that generational link between the young and the elderly, when our residents are visited by children it’s almost as if it makes them feel young again. It is also important that we have that link between the community and our nursing homes, it’s something we will be focusing a lot more on in the New Year and our residents can’t wait.

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