Trophy Winner Triumph

25th August 2017
Competitive residents competing for the trophy
We believe in healthy competition here at Macklin Care Homes, and each week our competitive residents compete in our games days to win the highly sought after Macklin Care Home Games Trophy!
The game genres vary from lively balloon tennis to the ancient world wide classic snakes and ladders – so there is something for everyone to get involved in. Each week a new winner is announced and residents are so eager to get a chance at owning the trophy. One resident in particular is a renowned pro at balloon tennis – William Henry at Ratheane, Coleraine. William has won the Games Trophy three weeks in a row! What a hat-trick! We will be keeping a close eye on him to see if he can keep up his record breaking winning streak, but something tells me the other residents will challenge him to the best of their ability.
Now of course we are all about fun here at Macklin Care Homes which is why we love getting our residents involved in games like this, but there’s reasoning behind everything we do. Engaging in games like these benefit our residents cognitive skills – the core skills your brain utilises to learn, think, read, reason, pay attention and to remember. These important skills benefit our resident’s everyday life; they stimulate brain cells and fine tune motor skills along with eye to hand coordination.
This all ties in with our values at Macklin Care Homes, one of them being dedication – we complete our work with energy and enthusiasm and are dedicated to making our residents feel at home. We care with heart and most certainly care about our residents continuous development.